Thursday, February 5, 2009


"It is better to be wrong than simply to follow convention. If you are wrong, no matter, you have learned something and you grow stronger. If you are right, you have taken another step toward a fulfilling life.'"
-Bryce Courtenay, the Power of One

"Memories do indeed become sweet with the perspective of discovering that they were more significant to your prior experiences than you imagined at the time they passed before your eyes."
-Tim Sommer

"If you know wilderness in the way that you know love, you would be unwilling to let it go.... This is the story of our past and it will be the story of our future."
- Terry Tempest Williams, Testimony

"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise."
-Aldo Leopold

"Big thoughts are born in big country. If we want to preserve the human imagination, we must preserve the wildlands that inspire us...."
-Terry Tempest Williams

"The power of one is above all the power to believe in yourself, often beyond any ability you may have previously demonstrated. The mind is the athlete, the body is simply the means it uses to run faster or longer, jump higher, etc. First with the head, then with the heart, more than mixing brains with guts, it means thinking beyond the powers of normal concentration and daring your courage to follow your thoughts."
-Bryce Courtenay, The Power of One


Marion said...

Wonderful quotes. Good to keep them handy when you need uplifting or confirming.

Matto said...

I like the quotes.

Alicia said...

Can I add one?
It is possible, as I have learned again and again, to be in one's place, in such company, wild or domestic, and with such pleasure, that one cannot think of another place that one would prefer to be - or of another place at all. --
Wendell Berry