Sunday, April 13, 2008

Signs the Season Is Beginning

With spring temperatures melting snow, animals dropping dead from winter fast, bison babies popping, and visitor numbers skyrocketing, I'm getting some clear indications that spring is coming and summer is on its way. Several of these pre-season signs came from humans.

  1. A little girl looked at me today and said, "She has boobies, mommy." Mommy cracked up and said not all women with boobies have babies. Daddy blushed. I informed the little girl that I do indeed have boobies and do not have babies.
  2. About four people (given the tracks) jumped off the boardwalk and trampled the travertine by Palette Spring. I just barely missed the buggers and peevishly cried, "idiots," before kindly reminding other visitors to stay on the boardwalk. They shook their heads in disgust at the resource destruction. Those were good visitors. The tramplers are on my bad side. Indefinately and irrevocably.
  3. Visitors come in the VC and hold the display antlers over their heads. It's always such a laugh to have one moose antler and one mule deer antler held to one's head.
  4. Three foreign visitors fondled the stuffed bison head, missing the sign that says "Please do not touch, I cannot grow hair back." I had to pull out my "you've been a bad, bad visitor voice" and tell them off Interp style.
  5. A favorite visitor past time in the summer is always changing the date on the passport stamp. This happened yesterday when we went from April 12, 2008, to August 28, 1989. Time warp.... Hmmmm.
  6. The gentle quiet of lapping hot spring water and wind in the trees is getting displaced by car thumping stereos and diesel pickups. Talk about noise pollution.
  7. The flag is pulling its customary twist-as-you-raise-it stunt, meaning it takes 15 minutes to try to put it up so it looks half decent.
  8. A zillion people came down from Montana to go biking on the last weekend the roads are cleared for bike and Admin traffic only.
  9. It's the first really nice weekend since I've been here - almost hot.
  10. The sun rises at 6:30 and sets at 8:00.

1 comment:

Marion said...

well, signs are on the way. Some birds here and teh bunnies had a dandelion! Mom